Faculty Inaam

Ufaq Inaam

Research Associate,
Design History and Theory

Post-Doctoral Fellow (Ernst Mach Grant, BMBWF & OeAD)
MPhil Art History, Punjab University, Lahore (2011)
MFA Graphic Design (Distinction), Punjab University, Lahore (2007)
PhD Design History and Theory, University of Applied Arts, Vienna (2020)

ufaq.inaam [at] uni-ak.ac.at

Dr. Ufaq Inaam began her doctoral studies in 2013 at Department of Design History and Theory which revolved around consumption, indigenous graphic design and material culture and focused on design politics of the non-Western discourses. After completing her doctoral studies in 2020, she continued working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Graphic Design, College of Art & Design, Punjab University, Lahore. In 2023 she was awarded Post-Doctoral Fellowship Grant financed by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) and facilitated by OeAD, Austria. Her research project ‘Sustainable Futures through Design: Incorporating Inclusive Discourses in Industry & Academia’ explores existing design paradigms in industry and academia of the Global South.

Dr. Inaam is a designer, educator, and researcher in the field of design for more than fifteen years and started her career in academia in 2008 as a lecturer in Punjab University. In 2020, She has also founded a research platform ‘Extreme Design Base’ to critically approach design and social innovation in the Global South.

Selected Talks and Presentations

‘Finding Silk: Design & Material Culture around the Silk Route, findings from Pakistan’ Paper presentation at The Futures of Museums: Recover & Reimagine, International Council of Museums, 2021.

‘New futures of Design Pedagogy: Decolonizing Design Education’ Paper presentation in International Virtual Conference Emerging Trends in the Arts & Humanities, 2021.

Selected Workshops

‘Empathize, Ideate & What..?’ – Design Workshop on Design thinking and more. College of Art & Design, Lahore, May, 2023.

‘Even they have heart’ – Design workshop on stimulation and emotions involved in graphic design. College of Art & Design, Lahore, June, 2022

Conferences and Seminars

STIR: Design.Academia.Mix. Organized Conference of Design, Punjab University, Lahore, 2021.

Extreme Design Base – A research platform. Organized multiple seminars on Design, Lahore, Pakistan 2020-2022. Themes: Value, Capital and Significance of Indigenous Design, Recognition and Decolonization, Design Studies & Curriculum in Lahore, Designers and Social Innovation initiatives, Social Design Policy, and Government.


‘BEHTREEN’ – A magazine of emerging Art & Design from Lahore. (in-process of Production, 2024).